There are opportunities to meet for fellowship around the city:

Tea & Cake
Weekly on Mondays at Walcot 2.30 – 4pm
We meet at the front of the church (and/or the front garden – weather-permitting). Come along for a cup of tea, cake and friendly conversation.

Tigerlilies Toddler Group
Weekly on Mondays at Weston 9.30 – 11.30am (term time)
For pre-school children and their carers. Lots of toys to play with, singing time and snacks.
Autumn term:
9 September – 21 October
4 November – 16 December
(Half-term 28 October)

1st Sunday of the month at Walcot 9.30am
Following our monthly 9am morning prayers in the hall at Walcot, we serve a simple breakfast of pastries and toast. (Suggested donation £2.50)

Coffee Plus
Monthly on Mondays at Walcot 7.30pm
Talks by local speakers on a variety of topics, followed by coffee and cake. Meet in the Lounge (entrance via the side-door)
Future dates:
- Monday 27 January – ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind’
- Monday 24 February – Beetle Drive
- Monday 24 March – ‘Food Pantry’

Soup Plus
Monthly on Thursday at Walcot from 12pm
Join us in the hall for soup and a roll, followed by tea/coffee and an activity.
Suggested donation £2.50.
Future dates:
- Thursday 20 February
- Thursday 20 March

Bear Flat Community Tea
1st Thursday of the month at Beechen Cliff 2.30 – 4pm
2.30 – 4pm in the Community Hall on Bruton Avenue. Company, conversation and home-made cake. (In partnership with the Bear Flat Association)